SDA Homes (Specialist Disability Accommodation): Accessible and Inclusive Living

At Incredible Homes, we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home – a place where they feel safe, comfortable, and empowered. That's why we offer specialized services for designing and building homes that cater to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities:

Inclusive Design Process:

We collaborate closely with disability support professionals, occupational therapists, and most importantly, you, to create homes that are not only accessible but also tailored to your specific requirements and preferences.

Compliance and Safety:

Our SDA homes are designed and constructed in compliance with all relevant disability housing standards and regulations, ensuring that they provide a safe and supportive environment for residents.

Empowering Independence:

Our goal is to create homes that promote independence, dignity, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities. From wheelchair-accessible features to sensory-friendly design elements, we strive to make every aspect of your home conducive to your comfort and well-being.

Continued Partnership:

Our commitment to your satisfaction doesn't end with the completion of your home. We're here to provide ongoing support and assistance, ensuring that your home continues to meet your evolving needs and preferences over time.